Importance of English Language



Today’s modernized world English has not only became an essential language but also a generic language in the world. Sometimes it becomes very difficult and hardship to speak without using English words in the conversation. It affirms that English language has occupied the vast and fast speaking language in the world. We can’t avoid the English language in our modern lifestyle because it has became a fashion. In modern humanity or modern culture people commonly evaluate if a person fails to know English language he/she considered  to be know nothing.  People sometimes fail to understand language is a means of communication but it is not wisdom. Today’s time Parents embrace English medium rather than odia (regional) medium for their children’s education. It exposes that the English language has grown into a most remarkable component of life. 

What is a language?

There are many definitions has been published by many authors regarding a language. Let’s see some of the definitions:-

Definition: -

1.  Language is the methods of human communication, either spoken or written consisting the use of words in a structure and conventional way. 

2. A systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures or marks having understood meanings

Origin of English language 

English language is originated in England and became a dominant language of the United states ,the united kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and various island nations in the Caribbean sea and the Pacific Ocean. most of the words has come up with different languages like latin, france,  germanic and greek. 

The history of the English language really started with the arrival of three germanic tribes who invaded britain during the 5th century AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, crossed the North sea from what today is denmark and northern Germany. The Angles came from England and their language was called Englisc- from the words England and English are derived.  

Why English language is more importance?

There are many international languages has been spoken in worldwide like English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese etc. but why English language is high-profile or front-page language in the world? Most of the people want to learn English language. What is the philosophy behind of it? English language is one of the globally spoken international languages in across the world. Many countries have adopted English as their first and official language. There are 101 countries accept English as their official language. There are around 1.27 billion of the people speaks English language all over the world.  Some of the international spoken languages statistic has been given below:


People speak

 Official language


1.27 billion

101 countries

Arabic maddest

1.5  billion

28 countries


300 million

29 countries


590 million

20 countries

Chinese mandarin

1.12 billion 

5 countries

It is also an official language of  India, 
the Philippines, Singapore, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including  South Africa. English is the first choice of foreign language in most other countries of the world. The reasons are mentioned below:-

  1. One of the most worldwide spoken language 
  2. Higher Education becomes effortless
  3. Business and jobs becomes smooth and easy
  4. Science, Economic and Literature makes convenient 
  5. Creates worldwide opportunities
  6. Worldwide traveling becomes easy  


Countries first and official language 

Benefits of English language

  1. English language creates worldwide opportunities (Job & movements)
  2.  It boost your brain power
  3.  To make easy traveling
  4.  It improves your first language
  5.  It improves your words power
  6.  It provides an opportunities  to grasp a new culture
  7.  Learning of any language is itself a achievement
  8.  It Improves your mind
  9.  It improves your skills and ability
  10.  Speakers obtains respect and dignity in the society
  11.  It helps in educational sector (writing and reading)

    Obstacles of speaking English language

  1.  Fear 
  2. Shy 
  3. No-opportunity 
  4. Non-interest 
  5. Exotica attitude 

      Footsteps to learn English language

  1. Use obstacles  as an opportunities
  2. Listen to the good English  speakers 
  3. Watch English news, movies, Read English news papers (loud voice), articles, Study materials etc.
  4. Learn English grammars, Phonetics and vocabulary 
  5. Practice the  English language daily 
  6. Record your spoken English language and listen (audio & videos)  

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