What is an NGO? What are the Characteristics, Functions,Types, Duties & Responsibilities of an NGO?


NGO stands for Non Government Organisation. This is one of the oldest concept and it act for the basic benefits for the people, the community and the environment etc. those who are deprived from the basic needs. It is not a profit making or political organisation.  It is a voluntary group or institution with a social mission, which operates independently from government. NGO exist all part of the world.  NGOs are classified according to their level of operation. 

1.     International 

2.    National 

3.    Regional 

4.     Local/Community

Meaning of NGOs

Social development organisation assisting in empowerment of people

An organisation or group of people working independent of any external control with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community or area or situation.

An organisation that is flexible and democratic in its organisation and attempts to serve the people without profit for itself

An organisation not affiliated to political parties, generally engaged in working for aid, development and welfare of the community.

Characteristics of Non- Government Organisation

  1. It is work on democratic principles without any external control
  2. NGOs are registered under the societies registration Act 1860, the Indian trusts Act 1822 the cooperative societies Act 1940 or section. 25 of the companies Act 1956, depending upon the nature and scope of its activities to give it a legal status.
  3. Every NGO has definite aims and objectives and programmes
  4. It has an administrative structure and duly constituted management and executive committees
  5. It is initiative and governed by its own members 
  6. It raises funds for its activities partly from the exchequer in the form of grants-in-aid and partly in the forms of contribution or subscription from members of the local community and/and the beneficiaries of the programme. 

Types of Non-Governmental Organisation

Non- Government organisations are called by different names by way of the inception
Some of them are following


A trust is an obligation annexed to the ownership of property and arising out of a confidence reposed in and accepted by the trustee(s), for the benefit of another and the owner.

Welfare programmes are also run by charitable trusts. The Indian trust act 1882 provides room for registering and running public, private religious and charitable trust.

Main objective of the trust are following

  1. Trusts for the relief of poverty
  2. Trusts for the advancement of education
  3. Trust for the advancement of religion and
  4. Trusts for other purposes which are beneficial to the community e.g Renovation of roads, supply of water repairing of bridges


Those organisations which are established for helping the poor or needy people are called charitable organisations. The charitable organisations are registered under the charitable Endowment Act 189. Section 2 of the charitable Endowment Act defies “Charitable purpose as including general relief to the poor education medical relief and the advancement of any other object of general public utility. These organisations apply a charitable approach to serve the needy. The missionary of charity is one example of such charitable organisation. Most of its workers are fully dedicated to service and they serve without expecting anything beck. These organisations provide institutional care to the poor and neglected. They also provide food, clothing and medical treatment for needy people.


Most of the Non-Government organisations are registered under societies registration Act 1860. Beside that the Non-Government Organisation can also be registered under the societies registration Act 1860. Indian trusts Act, 1882, or under section 25th of the Indian companies Act, 1956. Societies are formed with some deliberate intention following some system in their day-to-day affairs as well as rules for their governing and proceedings.

Major activities perform by societies and trusts are following

  1. Drafting of a constitution
  2. Primary study on the attainability of the objectives stated by the organisation
  3. Recruitment of manpower, right people for the right job, to attain the organisational goals
  4. Making sure of the registration of the society by appropriate legal authority
  5. Memorandum of association which is the object of the organisation recognized and approved by the registrar.
  6. Rules and regulations define which are internal management principles,  which is binding on the members.

Main functions of the Non-Government organisation

  1. Acts in groups
  2. Serve as a buffer between the individual and the state
  3. Strengthening the feeling of national solidarity and promotes participative democracy
  4. Meet uncovered needs and enrich local life
  5. Promote community participation
  6. Creating a sense of responsibility through direct involvements
  7. Correcting planner’s mistakes
  8. Creating public opinion
  9. Formulating new policy through public opinion
  10. Flexibility and experimentation
  11. To complement and supplement government initiative 

Duties & Responsibilities of NGO

The Indian government of our county has encouraged the emergence of non-government organisation. In the seventh five year plan the government emphasized the importance of the role of the non- government organisations to take part in the development process of the country.

  1. To supplement the efforts of the government to provide choices and alternative to the rural population
  2. To be the eyes and ears of the villages population, so that the laws legislation, new knowledge and information can be brought to the village people
  3. The NGOs must take up pilot projects with innovative ideas which if successful can be implemented on larger scale
  4. To stimulate the delivery systems to provide services to the population at the grassroots level
  5. To disseminate information
  6. To help the communities to become self-reliance and independent
  7. To initiate manpower resources in communities for community organisation
  8. To bring the training of innovations to homes in the community
  9. To training of grassroots workers to deal with community problems and to encourages volunteerism  
  10. To mobilize resources of the community
  11. To encourage community participation, to make the community responsible and accountable of what is happening in the community 




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