Project Manager & Project Management

Who is a project manager?

Project manager is the person who manages the project.  He/she has the authority to lead the project, local resources and organizational resources. The project manager accomplishes the project goal in different phases like planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing project. The project manager should have the responsibility of the entire project scopes, project team manager, risk estimation along with the carious resources needed in the project. 

Project manager is the discipline that helps you in implementing various processes, methods, knowledge skills and experience for achieving the objectives of a unique project. The project has a staring and one closing time and has a goal.  The project management manage the three constricts of a project scope, time cost. Beside that there are also three types of constraints quality, risk and resources. In general there is always remain imbalance between the six constraints. The project manager has the skill to manage the 6 constraints in effective manager.   

  1. Proper
  2. Planning
  3. Prevalent
  4. Poor
  5. Project
  6. performance    

What are the difference between project, program and portfolio ?

Project:  A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to produce a unique product or solution

 Program: A program is a group of interrelated projects that are managed together 

 Portfolio: A collection of projects and operations which are managed under one

group in order to achieve a strategic 

What are the Important skills of a project manager ?

  1. Leadership skills
  2. Team management skills
  3. Risk assessment and management skills
  4. Communication skills
  5. Negotiation skills
  6. Personally organized skills  
  7. Visionary skills
  8. Goal setting skills
  9. Motivational skills
  10. Documentation and Reporting skills
  11. Monitoring and Evaluation skills 

What a new project manager should do ?

  1. Listen, observe and learn
  2. Understand your clients needs and wants
  3. Know your team and their personality
  4. Take the opportunity to learn some new skills
  5. Help out around the workplace
  6. Try to master the tools your organization possess
  7. Provide opportunity to boost the skills of the team members
  8. All team members should be committed with equal scope in the program

How new project managers prioritize the task ?

  1. List down the tasks and responsibilities
  2. Distinguish between urgent and important
  3. Assess the value of each task
  4. Order the tasks by estimated efforts
  5. Stay flexible and ready to adapt
  6. Know to say no 

What is project management?

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.

What are the purposes of the project management  ?

  1. To maximize available resources for implementing all programme components as per the policies and procedures

  2. To identify and leverage non-governmental resources

  3. To provide leadership in programme, planning, implementation and evaluation

  4. To coordinate and administer programme activities and supportive management systems 

Elements of successful project management

  1. Well-defined goals and objectives

  2. Clearly defined project management process

  3. A proven set of project management tools

  4. A clear understanding of the role of project management 

Phases in project management

  1.  Identification of the problems-identifying overall or specific needs

  2. Planning a course of action- project formulation

  3. Checking on the progress of the project-monitoring

  4. Evaluating the effect  and impact of the project 

Processes of project management

  1.  Initiating

  2. Planning

  3. Executing

  4. Monitoring

  5. Closing 

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February 3, 2022 at 11:11 PM ×

fruitful article..
thank you very much


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