Project Documentation(part -1)

Project Documentation
(part -1)

Presented by
Anil Lima

  • Meaning, definition & characteristics of project
  • Difference between project & program/ scheme
  • Meaning & Characteristics of project life cycle
  • Documents in a Project life cycle
  • Meaning of Documentation, Reports & Record
  • Importance of Project Documentation
  • Advantages & disadvantages of project documentation
  • Methods of drafting & maintaining of a good records & reports

Meaning, Types & Objectives of project 

Project- is a temporary venture to produce a new and unique deliverable. A deliverable could be a tangible product, a service or achievement of a required outcome (project is a series of task that need to be completed in order to reach a specific outcome)

Project objectives-

  • Function and performance
  • Containment of expenditure within budget
  • Time scale

Types of project-

  1. Manufacture project (vehicle, ship, aircraft, and machinery parts)
  2. Construction project (building, bridges, roads, tunnels, mining, petro-chemical)
  3. Management project (organization and re-organization of work without producing necessarily a tangible result. Ex- software package, production of stages, NGO work) 
  4. Research project (the objective may be difficulty and the result may be unpredictable) 

Characteristics and difference between Project & program/scheme 

Characteristics of projects

  1. A single definable purpose, end-item or result
  2. Every project is unique
  3. Projects are temporary activities
  4. Project cut across organizational lines
  5. Project involve unfamiliarity
  6. The organization usually has something at stake when undertaking a project
  7. A project is the process of working to achieve a goal

Program- is a broad and long-term objective that is often decomposed into a series of projects and sub-project


  1. Project is a narrow and where as program is broad (objective and boundaries)
  2. Project is a temporary where as program lasting
  3. Project budget is fixed where as program budget flexible
  4. Project emphasis single objective where as program is multiple objectives
  5. Project produces output where as program produces outcome 

Meaning & Characteristics of project life cycle

Meaning - A project life cycle is the sequence of phases that a project goes through from its initiation to its closure.


1. The Initiation phase (starting of the project)

Ø  The initiation phase aims to define and authorize the project

Ø  Project purpose, vision, mission

Ø  Measurable objectives and success criteria

Ø   Elaborated project description, conditions and risks

Ø  Name and authority of the project sponsor

Ø  Concerned stakeholders

2. The Planning phase (organizing and preparing)

Ø  The purpose of this phase is to lay down a detailed strategy of performance & success

Ø  Strategic planning

Ø  Implementation planning

3. The Execution phase (carrying out the project)

Ø  Implementation, Monitoring and controlling the errors & issue 

4. The Termination phase ( closing the project)

Ø  It makes the official closure of the project 

Documents in a Project life cycle

     Project Initiation Document(PID)

v  Context

v  parameters(budget)

v  define the specifics (scope/boundaries)

v  project breakdown structure & resourcing plan

v  Define who’s who (responsibility/internal team/external team)

v  Identify your risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

v  Share your project initiation document

 Planning phase: (how to do what needs to be done )

v  There are 3ps works strongly – possible, passionate, pervasive

v  Create a project plan( phases, activities, constraints, timeline)

v  Financial plan ( budget and cost estimate)

v  Resource plan (great team, recourse material)

v  Quality plan (set quality, targets & measures)

v  Procurement plan

v  Communication plan (list stakeholders)

v  Get approval statement of work (SOW) to proceed

   Execution phase: ( make a project happen)

v  Team leadership

v  Creating tasks

v  Task briefing

v  Client management

v  Communications (informing and updating the right people at the right time through right channel )

v  Monitoring & controlling ( cost & time management, quality management, risk management, change management, acceptance management)

   Closure phases ( ending a project)

v  Project performance analysis

v  Team analysis ( task analysis)

v  Project closure ( documents  verification)

v  Post- implementation review ( successes , failure, learning and suggesting foe the future project )


  Documentation- is a process of communicating in written about essential fact for the maintain of certain history.

  Records- It is a clinical, scientific, administrative legal document relating to project care given to individual, family & community

  Report- it is a exchange of information verbal or written for the  nurses of health team.  Report are two types oral and written.


v  Tools of Communication

v  Education

v  Assessment

v  Helps in Research

v  Auditing and monitoring

v  Legal administrative 

v  Indicate plans for future

{Best document practice institution - Indian constitution, courts (supreme/high/district), bank and medical}

Methods of drafting & maintaining of a good records & reports

      Principles of Records

      Written clearly, accurately, appropriately and legibly

      Individual sign for all the entries

      Not to make any errors

      written chronological order

      Written continuously with no spaces

      Record should be truthful, brief and complete

      Use only the standard abbreviation

   Criteria for good report

      It should be made promptly

      Clearly, complete and concise

      In should include each and every characteristics

      Clearly stated and well organized

      No extraneous material included

      Clearly expressed and presented interestingly 

Advantages & Disadvantages of Project Documentation

Documentation  promotes

      Continuity of progress

      Access to information




      Quality improve

      Areas of growth

      Evidence – based practice

Problems of lack of documentation

      Too many documents are distributed the system cannot be maintained

      There is no process of tracking

      Employees have their own way of performing processes

      Process affects the quality of work 

      Breaks the donors confidentiality and faith

      Falsifying all records 

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